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Steroids vs Tongkat Ali

Most of the time, steroids are used by athletes who aim for a competitive edge, and by ordinary men who desire a more attractive physique. Sure, anabolic steroids work, for both. But this comes at a price. And it's not just the price of the drugs.

Steroids can, in some cases substantially, increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and several nasty cancers, including brain cancer. Steroids users feel they can live with these risks, as they are not a certainty.

But there are effects on sexual parameters and reproductive organs that are of a high probability or even a certainty.

These effects are amusing to those who read about them, but no joke to those who are affected.

Gynecomastia (bitch tits) is a distinct possibility with anabolic steroids. This happens either because estrogens are synthesized from testosterone, or because some anabolic steroids, like trenbolone, bind to progesterone receptors.

Deca Dick (genital shrinkage) is another awkward side effect, not only of Deca-Duraboline but all anabolic steroids. Genital shrinkage happens because the massive exogenous supply of testosterone analogs shuts down the body's own synthesis of testosterone in the genitals.

Anabolic steroids also mess up a person's libido. Libido is not a function of just testosterone. As indicated by Michael Schuster of the University of Miami, libido and erectile function are regulated as am "an intricate symphony of (the) dose-dependent and temporally sensitive modulation" of testosterone, estrogens, and aromatase, in both the brain and the genitals.

Tongkat Ali also raises testosterone, and thus has an androgenic and mildly anabolic effect.That Tongkat Ali raises testosterone is backed by solid academic research. But Tongkat Ali does not just raise testosterone. It works on the whole hormonal orchestra, from the hypothalamus down to the corpora carvernosa.

Tongkat Ali can even help bodybuilders recover from steroid cycles.

Tongkat Ali will not build you the physique of the 2019 Mr. Olympia Brandon Curry. Why should it. Such an appearance is neither attractive, nor healthy, nor needed. What you need is balanced hormones, for great sex, as long as you live.

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