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Great Sex
Great sex starts with being engulfed in desire. The desire must be there, even if one tries to suppress it.
In great sex, as opposed to so-so sex, one reaches the plateau phase with minimal effort. The plateau phase is when a man is ready to orgasm, and sure that the orgasm would happen if he lets go. Men have different level's of control over their plateau physiology. Some men have extended control and can ascend and descend and experience multiple orgasms, others not.
If you don't do anything much, you can stay on the plateau maybe 15 minutes, even longer. In great sex, orgasms happen even when trying to delay them further, without the necessity for any laboring. And then you are swallowed by a black hole.
The ultimate inevitably of an orgasm is not premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation happens without the most pleasurable phase, the plateau.
From a male perspective, 99.9 percent of what is shown in porn is not great sex. Too much physical laboring. Maybe some women need this frenetic pumping for vaginal orgasms. But as a man, you don't have a proper plateau if you can engage in such exhausting physical exercise.
Hectic pumping, as in porn, can produce an ejaculatory reflex. But that doesn't make it great sex. Great sex is when a man has ejaculatory reflexes based on heightened desire, with minimal genital stimulation.
Great sex cannot be coordinated for a climax together. When women feel that men think there should be a climax together, they will often just fake it in order to make a good impression. If you both want good orgasms, then you separate them.
Great sex is metaphysical. When being engulfed in desire, on the plateau, when sinking into the black hole, and when recovering from the sequence, you know that it's good to be alive. No need for any theory or religion. You just feel it.
Producing these chains of events is the only rational aspiration in life.
William Burroughs, the US Beat Generation writer who, in Mexico City on September 6, 1951, shot dead his wife, owned and used such an orgone accumulator. Shooting his wife was not intentional.
Many other American post-war literature luminaries used orgone accumulators: Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac (On the Road, 1957), J. D. Salinger (The Catcher in the Rye, 1951), and particularly Norman Mailer (The Naked and the Dead, 1948), who heaped praise on the Wilhelm Reich construction.
Sean Connery, the sexiest James Bond ever, was also in for it, as was noted in Christopher Turner's Adventures in the Orgasmatron, excerpted in the New York Times of September 23, 2011 ["At the height of his James Bond fame, Sean Connery swore by the device"].
From 1922 to 1930, Wilhelm Reich, a physician by training, worked as a psychoanalyst in Sigmund Freud's Ambulatorium in Vienna, before moving to Berlin in 1930. In the 1920s and early 1930s, the central European losers of WWI, Germany and Austria, were a fertile ground for all kinds of revolutionary theories, including those of Wilhem Reich, presented in his books Die Funktion des Orgasmus (1927), Der Einbruch der Sexualmoral: Zur Geschichte der sexuellen Ökonomie (1932), Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf: Zur sozialistischen Umstrukturierung des Menschen (1936), published in English as The Sexual Revolution (1945).
Reich at least attempted this. More than 30 years before Masters and Johnson published their Human Sexual Response, Wilhelm Reich reported a summary of his own lab measurements of sexual arousal, performed with an oscillograph in a lab in Oslo, Norway, in an essay titled Der Orgasmus als Elektro-physiologische Entladung (The Orgasm as an Electrophysiological Discharge, 1934).
While in comparison to Freud, Reich was more modern in that he realized that science is about experiments, and measuring events in the material world, rather than the dissemination of wild theories, Reich's lab protocols were never stringent enough. Reich's efforts were probably also hampered by his desire to come up with something really big, first orgasmic energy in humans, and, in his final years, orgasmic radiation in the earth's atmosphere.
Empirically, it was known since the 18th century that the absence of orgasms could cause mental problems, and that experiencing orgasms could indeed cure medical conditions, though the terminology in the Victorian Era was not sexual. In 18th century medicine, hysteria was thought of as a female organic disorder that would present itself with the following symtoms, among others: irritability, anxiousness, a tendency to make trouble for others, insomnia, excessive fluid between the legs... The practionners (who called themselves doctors but usually made things worse rather than cure patients) had discovered a rather harmless but effective cure for hysteria: genital stimulation by hand to induce what was called physician-assisted paroxysm (paroxysm = a sudden fit of emotion).
The obvious relief was considered non-sexual at that time because male medical pseudoscience assumed that healthy women had no sexual desires. The purpose of the massage, as advertised by Dr. Swift in the pamphlet shown above, was to remove excessive fluid build-up from the womb. Even the observation that married women were less likely to be diagnosed with hysteria than unmarried ones was not attributed to sexual satisfaction but the magical power of male semen to balance fluids in the female abdomen.
The publication of Masters and Johnson's first work, Human Sexual Response, occurred in 1966. It fueled the 1960s Sexual Revolution, when the pill became accepted and Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer made it through the US Supreme Court as literature, not pornography.
The work of Masters and Johnson was funded with a 300,000 US dollars grant by Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, a champion of great sex.
Coolidge had a reputation for not talking a lot, and for a dry humor. His wife once visited a chicken farm and noticed that a rooster mated frequently. She asked the attendant who showed her around: "How often does that happen?" The attendant: "Dozens of times every day." Mrs. Coolidge: "Tell that to the President when he comes by." The President came, and the attendant relayed what Mrs. Coolidge had requested. The President asked: "Same hen every time?" The attendant: "Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time." The President: "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge."
The Coolidge Effect has been observed among many species, not only chicken and humans. A search on returns some 1500 scientific papers that include the term.
When devicing strategies for great sex, a man should be aware of the phenomenon and make sure that not too many commitments undermine the necessary variety. For adolescents and young adults, variation is typically easier to achieve then for those beyond 30.
For folks above 30, the typical European / North American approach to sexual variation, however, is having affairs when being in a marriage or otherwise long-term relationship. When affairs are found out, a couple divorces, and the person who was previously an affair becomes the new significant other. Such a cycle is often associated with enormous costs for rich men.
A subset of rich men (like Hugh Hefner) may be playboys or, when less rich, womanizers. The situation is fuzzy. Going for variation in Western culture almost always involves a lot of lying and cheating. Among men, only playboys can be fairly honest about their inclinations. Women bear with them because of many other perks.
Economic considerations do play a role in Western culture (girls want rich boyfriends, women want rich husbands), but in Western societies in the Third Millennium, the transactional character of sexual relationships (women agree for other values, rather than sexual satisfaction) cannot be openly admitted. The only politically correct foundation is that men and women have sex with each other because they love each other and have sexual feelings for each other.
Obviously, every human emotion, including sexual desire and sexual satisfaction, is biochemistry before it is a feeling.
And unfortunately, the biochemistry of great sex cannot be reduced to a single chemical substance. It is NOT that testosterone would be the causal agent of sexual desire, and dopamine the causal agent of sexual reward. It is also not that estrogens would be the anti-testosterone per se, messing up male libido and erectile function. Both, sexual desire and sexual reward, are not mechanistic like, for example, bicycles. Sexual desire and sexual satisfaction, or simply great sex, is caused by the biochemical interplay of many factors, including estrogens, as expressed in the scientific article shown below:
Quote: "Estradiol in men is essential for modulating libido, erectile function, and spermatogenesis. Estrogen receptors, as well as aromatase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen, are abundant in brain, penis, and testis, organs important for sexual function. In the brain, estradiol synthesis is increased in areas related to sexual arousal. In addition, in the penis, estrogen receptors are found throughout the corpus cavernosum with high concentration around neurovascular bundles... Regulation of testicular cells by estradiol shows both an inhibitory and a stimulatory influence, indicating an intricate symphony of dose-dependent and temporally sensitive modulation."
You can NOT manufacture great sex by throwing testosterone at your endocrinology, and not with the many pharmaceuticals that are rumored in obscure corners of the Internet to make for better sex or easy orgasms. Rest assured, if any of those would work, whether dopamine agonists or atypical antidepressants, or melanin or melatonin, would work, big pharma would jump on it in no time.
Pharmaceutically enhancing sex is notoriously difficult, but the opposite, destroying a person's sexuality with all and any kinds of medicines, happens notoriously quick. Exogenous androgens (straight testosterone or anabolic steroids) and exogenous estrogens (contraceptive pills), or dopaminergics or serotonin agonists, they all have basically the same effect: they throw you off-balance, sexually. And off-balance is synonymous with "bad sex" one way or the other.
Western medicine is well aware of the concept of homeostasis. Every textbook for doctors-to-be starts with that concept. However, when medical marketing gets a freewheel, it often comes to appear as if any desired outcome can be arranged with medications or surgery. It cannot. Western medicine can treat many diseases, but is a poor substitute for health.
Oriental traditional medicine is much more concerned about achieving a good balance of the various components that make up good health, and uses herbs to achieve this.
You do not need the terminology of yin and yang, or humors, to understand homeostasis, and use herbs to achieve it. You only need to know that herbs are used as adaptogens, as concoctions that somehow balance the various aspects that are at interplay when maintaining good health.
Herbal sexual enhancement is to be understood in this context. Tongkat ali, butea superba, and kaempferia parviflora just happen to be three out of more than 400,000 plants, each with dozens of unique chemical compounds, that have a balancing effect on the different components that are required for good sex. Balancing hormones and neurotransmitters is not something that can be effected ad hoc. It requires some time. But the results are so much more gratifying than what is to be had by messing with pharmaceuticals.
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Updated February 19, 2023
The physiology of sex
Strategies for great sex
Herbal sexual adaptogens