







2022 年 6 月 1 日更新

在 2011 年 1 月 15 日出版的《今日心理学》杂志上,一篇标题为 "关于阴茎尺寸的罕见真相--是否有安全、有效的方法来增大阴茎尺寸?有。 [资料来源]

这一承认值得注意,因为《今日心理学》所属的主流媒体长期以来一直嘲笑人们对阴茎大小的担忧,并嘴硬地宣称:"尺寸并不重要: 尺寸并不重要。

这篇刊登在《今日心理学》上的文章 由旧金山的迈克尔-卡斯尔曼撰写 对阴茎尺寸的政治正确态度做出了一些让步 但同时也指出 “当然,多长一寸也无妨"。大阴茎重要吗?对于色情行业的人来说,是的。色情行业要求大阴茎是有原因的:消费者的选择。如果许多色情片观众喜欢可爱的小阴茎,色情业就会相应地雇用。

最著名的大阴茎色情演员是约翰-霍姆斯。刚结婚时,他的阴茎长度为 10 英寸。在他的职业生涯中,这一说法被抬高到 13、14 甚至 16 英寸。他的阴茎尺寸从未经过独立验证。摄像机的角度可以让物体看起来特别大。福尔摩斯出演过 500 多部电影,死于艾滋病。

据报道,2017 年,时年 54 岁、来自墨西哥萨尔蒂约的罗伯托-埃斯基韦尔-卡夫雷拉(Roberto Esquivel Cabrera)要求在吉尼斯世界纪录中登记自己拥有最长的阴茎(约 50 厘米)。另据报道,从十几岁起,他就开始在阴茎上悬挂重物,以增大阴茎。卡布雷拉两腿之间的阴茎缠着厚厚的绷带。即使是让医生检查,他也不愿意把绷带拿下来。但他同意接受 CT(计算机断层扫描)扫描(可能不知道会有什么结果),这项成像技术显示,他的阴茎实际上只有大约 6 英寸长。到达膝盖的只是一个严重拉长的包皮(包茎)。


在罗伯托-卡布雷拉(Roberto Cabrera)这样的滑稽傻瓜的煽动下,主流舆论通常会嘲笑男性对阴茎大小的关注。

例如,1998 年 5 月 4 日《时代》周刊封面故事中引用了性顾问露丝-韦斯特海默(Ruth Westheimer)的以下言论:"即使一个男人的勃起从地板到天花板,并能保持一个小时,如果他不懂性,也不会给女人带来快感。(塞尔日-克鲁兹这篇文章的第一版发表于 2001 年,这句话被沿用了 20 多年)。


即使是发表文章的人,发表的观点也可能与私人持有的观点不同。出版业对哪些信息可以传播有自己的规定。纽约时报的座右铭是: “所有适合印刷的新闻” 当阿道夫-S-奥克斯在 1897 年提出这个口号时,他可能是这样想的: 所有不淫秽的新闻 现在的意思是: 所有政治正确的新闻




验证上述常识性假设的最著名的科学作家是奥斯汀大学教授大卫-巴斯,他是进化生物学方面的权威。他的畅销书包括《欲望的进化:人类交配策略》(1995 年)和《危险的激情》(2000 年): 为什么嫉妒与爱和性一样必要》(2000 年)。



这个问题与身高并无不同。女性明显偏爱高个子男性。在西方社会,平均身高在 6 英尺(183 厘米)到 6 英尺 4 英寸(193 厘米)之间的男性较少。在西方社会,女性不太喜欢只有 5 英尺(152 厘米)的男性。另一方面,女性通常认为身高 7 英尺(213 厘米)的男性不具吸引力。根据统计,这是一条钟形曲线。历史上最高的人是美国人罗伯特-瓦德洛,身高 8 英尺 11 英寸(272 厘米)。

尽管公开的舆论对这个问题避而不谈,但男人可以感觉到女人认为什么样的身高有吸引力。即使是人类历史上最有权势的男人也不例外,他们都希望自己的身材有吸引力。例如,约瑟夫-斯大林的身高只有 5 英尺 4 英寸(1.63 米),但苏联摄影师和照片修图师努力让他看起来更高。

斯大林不喜欢法国战时领导人夏尔-戴高乐,戴高乐 6 英尺 5 英寸(1.96 米)的身高可能也不会赢得斯大林的同情。两人只在 1944 年 12 月 2 日见过一次面,而且只有法国人拍摄的照片。戴高乐没有被邀请参加雅尔塔会议,1945 年 2 月 4 日至 11 日,盟军领导人在雅尔塔决定了二战后的世界格局。




2013 年澳大利亚的一项科学研究评估了三个参数如何决定女性认为某些男性的身体吸引力:身高、肩臀比(运动型身材)和阴茎大小。资料来源Penis size interacts with body shape and height to influence male attractiveness

科学家将计算机程序 MakeHuman 生成的真人大小的男性图像投射到屏幕上。这些图像表达了三个变量:身高、肩臀比和松弛的阴茎大小。总共有 343 张图片,每张图片都针对一个变量进行了修改。图像的面部特征没有变化。

这些图片代表了高达 95% 的现实生活中女性会遇到的身体和生殖器形状。105 名异性恋女性参与了这项研究,她们的平均年龄为 26 岁。71.8%为欧洲裔,20.9%为亚洲裔,7.3%为其他族裔。每位女性都观看了 53 张图片,这些图片代表了各种不同的变化。评分过程中没有面试官在场,吸引力评分以匿名方式记录。

下面中间的图片显示了所有 343 个修改的平均值。左边的描述显示了最矮的身材、最低的肩臀比和最小的阴茎。右侧显示的是最大值。


阴茎生理和生物力学: 阴茎勃起得益于流向阴茎的血液增加,以及阴茎海绵体和海绵体中血液的滞留。一个人的身体可容纳约 5 升血液。在献血时,红十字会抽取的血液不到半升,并要求献血者休息半小时。

平均勃起的阴茎长度为 13 厘米(5.1 英寸),周长为 11.5 厘米(4.5 英寸),可抽取约 125 毫升血液。

圆柱体的体积是半径乘以高度乘以 3.14(π,数学常数)的平方根。周长为 11.5 厘米(半径为 1.83 厘米)、长度为 13 厘米的阴茎的体积为 137 毫升,略高于勃起所需的 125 毫升血液(1.83 x 1.83 x 13 x 3.14 = 137)。如果长度增加到 26 厘米(10.2 英寸),周长增加到 23 厘米(9 英寸),则勃起所需的血量约为 1 升(3.66 x 3.66 x 26 x 3.14 = 1093)。

失去 20% 循环血量(普通男性约为 1 升)的人可能会出现低血容量性休克并昏迷。如果超过这个数值,就很有可能出现严重的器官衰竭。总得有办法......但不太可能是全身循环。最大尺寸为 10 英寸的阴茎可能有超过半升的血液流过,但人体无法承受关闭哪怕接近 1 升的血液,因此不会出现僵硬。事实上,正如他的同行们所说的那样,福尔摩斯的阴茎被血液吞噬后并不是传统意义上的勃起,而是一种软肉饼。

也就是 10 英寸。但坊间流传的说法是,福尔摩斯勃起的阴茎长 16 英寸,周长 13 英寸。但是,请问,16 英寸(40.6 厘米)x 13 英寸(33 厘米)的阴茎的血液从何而来?需要超过 3 升的血液(5.25 x 5.25 x 40.6 x 3.14 = 3513)。这样勃起的身体仅靠 2 升剩余的血液是无法维持生命的。

由于生物力学对功能性阴茎尺寸的限制,最好不要拥有 10 英寸的阴茎。长度为 8 英寸(20.3 厘米)、周长为 7 英寸(17.8 米)可能是维持功能的最大值(2.83 x 2.83 x 20.3 x 3.14 = 510 毫升血液)。超过这个数值,就会出现勃起功能障碍。

如果 8 英寸的长度和 7 英寸的腰围还不够,那么可以考虑使用马用假阳具。它们都是中国制造。

以下是一位名叫 Ka 的女性读者对阴茎尺寸的一些评论,这些评论是从 2003 年延续下来的:


几个小时前,我偶然发现了您的网站。我非常喜欢你的文章。现在是凌晨 5 点(加拿大多伦多),我刚刚停止阅读。

我只是在搜索引擎里输入了 “爱”......我甚至不知道为什么(我猜我只是想在睡前关注一些甜蜜的东西)。你把我们的神经学也写进去了,非常棒。你的真诚令人耳目一新。明晚我会再读几篇你的文章。


1. 您非常推崇东革阿里。我听说它能提高睾丸激素水平(我想这就能解释为什么易怒和性欲旺盛了)。但你知道它对女人有什么影响吗? 我在性欲方面并不需要帮助)。只是好奇而已。

2. 在您的文章中 “亚洲女性性高潮 "一文中,您谈到了女性性高潮......等等。我想说的是(其实是对世界上所有男人说的): 请不要在床上表现出一副使命感。有很多男人都一心想让我达到高潮......而我最后只是假装达到了高潮。一旦男人看起来在执行任务......魔力就消失了。对我来说,没有性高潮我也能得到极大的满足(如果有:太好了!......但如果没有......那就别管它了)。

3. 您还谈到了阴茎的尺寸。嗯: 这很重要!(至少对我来说)。曾几何时,如果我喜欢上了一个男人,并认为有可能建立更认真的关系,我会慢慢来,不会马上和他上床......等等等等......但现在: 我试着让他快点上床 我不想

4. 我不明白增加多巴胺水平如何能帮助男人勃起。可卡因不是能增加突触中的多巴胺含量吗?但是......足够多的可卡因......男人就是勃不起来。我不明白 (我和一个可卡因使用者约会过......失望太多了)。



Realistic penis size management

Many men would like to have a larger penis. Nothing wrong with that. Apart from a larger penis, many men would also like to have a more athletic physique, and, as we are at it, a more powerful brain. The question is: how far would one go TRYING to achieve these improvements. Anabolic steroids for the athletic physique as advocated in the Underground Body Opus by steroid guru Dan Duchaine, or LSD trips to expand one's mind as promoted in Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out by underground messiah Timothy Leary.

Or, much less metaphysical, going under the knife for some phalloplasty (cosmetic surgery of the penis).

But the abuse of anabolic steroids severely shortens a man's lifespan, and psychiatric hospitals around the world housed, for decades, thousands who became schizophrenic after a bad trip. The scientific term is: LSD Psychosis

The possible side effects of enlargement phalloplasty include a deformed penis and permanent erectile dysfunction, with a blood engorged penis just hanging down between the legs because the suspensory ligament was cut, which would normally provide an upward angle. Things can also go wrong in a more dramatic manner. On March 5, 2019, the Israeli billionaire diamond trader Ehud Arye Laniado died during a penis enlargement surgery in Paris. Two years earlier, a Swedish man died during penis enlargement surgery from injected fat getting dislodged into his blood circulation and causing an embolism.

Disfigurement (like Roberto Cabrera's prepuce reaching to his knees) and dysfunction will also be the only results of penis enlargement by hanging weights.

The only realistic approach is working on penile tissue tone.

Every man knows that on occasions, it is easy to have a larger penis. The penis doesn't have a fixed size. The size of the organ follows the tone of penile tissue. Depending on tissue tone, the size can increase substantially. In a standard setting, sexual arousal will initiate the appropriate biochemistry.

Positively toned penile tissue is going to be substantially bigger (double in size) than negatively toned penile tissue (maltreated with sympathetic drugs like cocaine or amphetamines, or even just too much coffee).

Penis size doesn't depend on the number of cells, but the constitution of cells. That's not unique to the penis but holds true for other organs, too.

Muscles, the kind bodybuilders train (they are called skeletal muscles), for example. Bodybuilders who are bulking up don't grow a single new muscle cell. They just enlarge existing muscle cells. Are the gains of bodybuilders permanent? No, of course not. Stop training, and over some not-so-long time, gains are lost.

The human penis is a sponge. For an erection to occur, the penis must fill with blood. The biochemical processes that decrease or increase penis size depend on blood vessels and the smooth muscle cells of erectile sponge tissue. There are several intertwined pathways by which blood flow to the penis, and the retaining of blood, is ruled. The sympathetic nervous system generates flaccidity impulses that contract penile tissue, while the parasympathetic nervous system relaxes the smooth muscle cells of the blood vessels and the sponges of the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum, allowing engorgement. But this is not an either-or switch. Depending on many factors, engorgement and shrinkage are gradual. Flaccidity in one and the same penis can vary between 1 and 4 inches of length, and this is pharmacologically controllable, without sexual stimuli.

Sympathetic tissue tone is easily induced by amphetamines and amphetamine-mimicking drugs: speed, meth, ice, cocaine, crack, and other substances in this category will, dose-dependent, shrink the penis to amazingly minimal dimensions. Just abstaining from these substances of abuse will automatically double or triple penis size, when flaccid and when, sort-of, erect.

Minor sympathetic stimuli like coffee and caffeine-containing beverages such as energy drinks will have a similar, albeit lesser, effect.

Hormonal factors also play a role. Anything that decreases the functionality of the testes will also decrease the size of the testes and adjacent tissue. Exogenous testosterone analogues, such as anabolic steroids (most commonly Deca-Durabolin) or testosterone replacement therapy, will shut down the synthesis of testosterone by the testes and such cause partial atrophy (deca dick).

On the other hand, tongkat ali which enhances testicular function may cause an increase in testicular and penile size, though the effects are not as dramatic as the reverse through sympathetic stimulants. In bodybuilding circles, tongkat ali is an established testicular function restarter after steroid cycles.

When it comes to penis size and function, it is always easier to disturb processes than to enhance them.

For erectile function, there is only one FDA-approved category of medications, phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and their generic equivalents). They all interfere with a course of events that starts with the conversion of L-arginine into nitric oxide by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase. Nitric oxide stimulates the enzyme soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) to form cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) from guanosine triphosphate (GTP). The cGMP causes smooth muscle relaxation around the penis, resulting in the penis filling with blood, which then presents as an erection.

The effects of cGMP in the penis are kept in check by phosphodiesterases type 5, an enzymes that breaks down cGMP. Medications like sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil work by interfering with, and inhibiting, the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5, thus allowing cGMP to do its job for a prolonged time.

On a side note, many pharmaceutical drugs, including antibiotics, work by interfering with enzymes, either of the human body or of pathogens like bacteria. [See: A summary of drugs targeting enzymes]

The blockage of phosphodiesterase type 5 is not the only potential point of enzymatic interference to facilitate erectile function.

Another potential pathway would be the interference with the enzyme rho kinase, which, when overly expressed, contributes to the hardening of the walls of blood vessels and erectile tissue. Blood vessels and tissue with hardened cell walls cannot properly relax, even when flooded with cGMP as a result of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibition. Incidentally, tongkat ali is a rho kinase inhibitor, and improves erectile function by helping to keep penile blood vessels elastic. No pharmaceutical rho kinase inhibitors for better erections are yet available.

Targeting arginase would yet another potential enzyme-blocking pathway to support erectile function. Arginase, which converts L-arginine into L-ornithine, is overly expressed in patients with hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and other modern diseases. Arginase competes with nitric oxide synthase for the same substrate, the amino acid L-arginine. The idea is that if arginase is inhibited, there will be more L-arginine available for nitric oxide synthase, which should result in more cGMP, and thus better erections. Alas, while there are pharmaceutical arginase inhibitors, none of them causes better erections or a more relaxed penile tissue tone.

And while dietary arginine supplementation is employed to improve the performance of livestock (semen quality, more meat upon slaughter), the data on arginine supplementation for human male sexual parameters is not encouraging.

On the other hand, many plants of the Zingiberaceae or ginger family (to which Kaempferia parviflora also belongs) have anti-arginase effecs, resulting in the amelioration of many ailments caused by aging, not just erectile dysfunction.

Nevertheless, the most usefulness, Kaempferia parviflora has as a low-affinity phosphodiestarase type 5 inhibitor. With prolonged use, the genital-shrinking effect of omnipresent phosphodiesterase will be reduced, thus contributing to a background relaxation of smooth muscle cells in the penis and allowing an improved flow of blood to the penile sponges. Obviously, when this happens, natural erections will be easier, and the penis will be enlarged, even when not being erect.

In sexual slang, Kaempferia parviflora will turn a "grower" (a small flaccid penis that grows substantially with an erection) into a "shower" (a large flaccid penis which, however, grows less dramatically when achieving an erection). "Shower", in this context, has nothing to do with taking a bath, but is derived from, and pronounced like, "to show".

Tuning penile tissue tone is the only realistic option for increasing penis size. For a flaccid state, proper penile tissue tone management will make more of a difference than for the erect state. For the flaccid state, some 70 percent of the size of the erect condition are within reach with natural phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors like Kaempferia parviflora and Boesenbergia rotunda (another member of the Zingiberaceae family).

Rigidity can be improved with yohimbe, but be warned: yohimbe can kill men with hypertension or a weak heart. yohimbe has been prohibited "in several European countries (e.g. United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Czech Republic) as well as in Canada, Australia and New Zealand." [Source: Evaluation of the safety of Yohimbe]. Even when yohimbe does not kill, side effect like tachycardia (a racing heart), heart palpitations (the sensation of a fluttering heart), and sleeplessness for up to 24 hours often make yohimbe an uncomfortable experience.

Don't want a bigger penis?

Even if you are not interested in a bigger penis, there are still good reasons to include Kaempferia parviflora in your diet.

You may want to run a search on scholar.google.com for: Kaempferia parviflora obesity

You will come across more than 20 studies, many of them double-blind and placebo-controlled, all pointing to the same result: methoxyflavonoids from Kaempferia parviflora inhibit the enzyme pancreatic lipase. Pancreatic lipase is released from the pancreas via ducts into the duodenum (the upper small intestine) where it hydrolyzes (= breaks of chemical bonds by water molecules) triglycerides, common in dietary fats. If pancreatic lipase is inhibited by Kaempferia parviflora, fewer lipids (fats) are taken up into the bloodstream, and thus there are fewer deposits of adipose tissue.


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