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2023 年 1 月 19 日更新

Butea superba 是泰國森林中稀有的藤本植物。它以根部網路繁殖。如果找到 1 棵,就會有 100 棵。根部形成軟軟的塊莖,可以用湯匙舀起。所有這些組織都流出紅色的汁液。

上面的短片展示的是丁子香樹的藤蔓。如果要進入泰國森林尋找丁子香樹,就必須先觀察樹頂,看看哪些標本長滿了藤蔓。然後追蹤藤蔓,看看它從哪裡進入地面。這可能是幾棵樹的距離。塊根在地表下 10 公分的根網中。如果掘土工具弄傷了塊莖,它們會立即流出紅色汁液。

99% 的商用 Butea superba 其實是 Butea monosperma,一種同屬植物的普通樹木。Monosperma 以切成片的樹枝出售,樹皮下有一圈紅色的環,稱為韌皮部。- 木核是 monosperma,而不是 superba。

Butea superba 是一種強效的二氫睪酮促進劑,二氫睪酮是負責男性性慾的睪酮形式。艳紫铆会极大地影响性欲,甚至达到病态的程度。請參閱美國 NIH (National Institutes of Health) 發表的內容。


眾所周知,世界上最常見的草本睾酮促進劑 - 銅卡艾利 (tongkat ali) 必須循環使用。這是因為人體內分泌(荷爾蒙)系統的負回饋迴圈:任何荷爾蒙水平的增加都會可靠地引起荷爾蒙的下調。這就是外源性睾酮會導致睪丸萎縮的原因。當注射器中的睪丸素超過足夠的水平時,睪丸的 Leydig 細胞就完全不製造睪丸素,睪丸就會萎縮。

因此,使用 tongkat ali 僅能在有限的時間內誘使人體提高睾酮水準。這表示為了有效使用,銅雀台必須循環使用。





交替使用丁加巴和銅卡艾是一種令人信服的策略。標準的方案是使用銅卡利 8 到 12 天,然後換用丁亞超霸,時間跨度大致相同。用完丁子香豆後,再用銅雀台,然後再用丁子香豆,如此類推,絕不會讓睪丸素下降到基本水平。


Bhat, Rajeev; Karim, A.A. (2010), Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack): A review on its ethnobotany and pharmacological importance, Fitoterapia, Volume 81, Issue 7, Pages 669-679

Chaiyasit, K., Wiwnaitkit, V. (2012), Hyperandrogenemia due to ingestion of Butea superba , Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Volume 16 Issue 3 Pages: 485 486, https://dx.doi.org/10.4103%2F2230-8210.95756

Cherdshewasart, W.; Nimsakul, N. (2003), Clinical trial of Butea superba, an alternative herbal treatment for erectile dysfunction, Asian Journal of Andrology,Volume 5, Pages 243-246

Cherdshewasart, Wichai; Bhuntaku, Papong; Panriansaen, Rattana; Dahlan, Winai; Malaivijitnond, Suchinda (2008), Androgen disruption and toxicity tests of Butea superba Roxb., a traditional herb used for treatment of erectile dysfunction, in male rats, Maturitas, Volume 60, Issue 2, Pages 131-137

Eumkeb, G., Naknarong, W., Sirichaiwetchakoon, K. , (2013), The effects of Red Kwao Krue (Butea Superba Roxb.) extract on sperm quality and testosterone level in mice. Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Volume 38 (Suppl.), Retrieved from: http://www.thaiscience.info/journals/Article/TJPS/10962963.pdf

Henkel R.R.; Wang R.; Bassett S.H.; Chen T.; Liu N.; Zhu Y. et al. (2014), Tongkat Ali as a potential herbal supplement for physically active male and female seniors - A pilot study , Pharmacological Research, Volume 28, Pages 544-550, https://doi.org/10.1002/ptr.5017

Malaivijitnond, S., Ketsuwan, A., Watanabe, G., Taya, K., Cherdshewasart, W., (2010), Luteinizing hormone reduction by the male potency herb, Butea superba Roxb. , Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, Volume 43 Number 9, http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S0100-879X2010007500076

Mizuki, D., Matsumoto, K., Tanaka, K., Thi Le, X., Fujiwara H., Ishikawa, T., Higuchi, Y., (2014, October 28). Antidepressant-like effect of Butea superba in mice exposed to chronic mild stress and its possible mechanism of action. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378874114006084

Nimsoongnern, S.; Pinthong, D.; Plasen, S.; Wilairat, P.; Kusamran, T.; Anukarahanonta, T. , (2008), The effect of butea superba roxb., a Thai traditional medicine, on endogenous steroid levels in males. Retrieved from: https://www.bisp-surf.de/Record/PU200909005112

See, Kwan Li; Tan, Shu Ying; Hirata, Yoshiyuki; Chan, Lai-Keng; Nagaoka, Yasuo; Uesato, Shinichi; Boey, Peng Lim (2021), Biotic elicitation at different feeding time in cell suspension cultures of Eurycoma longifolia Jack, a valuable medicinal plant, for enhancement of cytotoxic activity of bioactive compounds against human colon cancer cell line, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, Volume 58, Pages15–27

Talbott, Shawn M. (2013), Human Performance and Sports Applications of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia), Nutrition and Enhanced Sports Performance Muscle Building, Endurance, and Strength, Pages 501-505

Tocharusa, C., Jeenapongsaa,R., Teakthonga, T., Smitasirib, Y., (2005), Effects of Long-term Treatment of Butea superba on Sperm Motility and Concentration. Naresuan University Journal Volume 13 Issue 2 Pages: 11-17, Retrieved from: http://www.thaiscience.info/Journals/Article/NUJ/10440973.pdf

Tocharus, C., Sooksaen, P., Shimbhu, D., Tocharus, J., (2011), Butea superba (Roxb.) improves penile erection in diabetic rats. Andrologia, Volume 44, Issue 1 Pages: 728-733, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01257.
