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Products - Tongkat Ali leaves extract and Tongkat Ali root extract

Updated September 27, 2023 is the original Tongkat Ali company. We operate since 1998, and are online since March 2000 (WHOIS).

Most of our trade is, and has always been, wholesale, and we still sell the same 1:200 root extract which we developed 25 years ago. Wholesale prices in the form of free double quantity are available to retail buyers with an order history of 1000 US dollars or more.

Apart from our unchanged-since-1998 Tongkat Ali 1:200 root extract, we also produce Tongkat Ali leaves extract, and we are the only company worldwide that does so on a commercial scale.

Compared to roots, leaves have 20-fold eurycomanone. Leaves contain more than 6 mcg eurycomanone per mL, roots just 0.3 mcg per mL
Source: Biotechnology Journal

Because of the high eurycomanone content in leaves, extracts that use leaves tend to spike testosterone synthesis, and on the short run are therefore more agitating than extracts without leaves. This can cause insomnia in some people.

As shown in scientific research, eurycomanone at higher dosages increases free testosterone via the inhibition of aromatase. Aromatase is an enzyme which breaks down circulating testosterone and converts it into estrogens. This is doubly awkward because not only does aromatase reduce bioavailable testosterone; it actually converts testosterone into anti-testosterone. Eurycomanone limits this reaction.

At high enough dosages, eurycomanone also acts as phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Mind you, drugs like sildenafil are phosphodiesterase inhibitors.


Tongkat Ali, eurycomanone, and 5-alpha reductase

Our company is managed by people with an urban background and strong links to one of the five leading universities in Indonesia, the Medan-based Universitas Sumatera Utara. But our company is owned by a Batak chief. The Bataks are the largest, and most powerful, tribal group in central North Sumatra where Tongkat Ali grows. Until a few decades ago, the Bataks were still headhunters, and even in the third decade of the third millennium, one still finds shrunk heads of enemies adorning the traditional homes of tribal leaders and families of warriors.

In these tribal communities and all areas around them, nothing goes without the approval of the chiefs and elders. There is virtually no Indonesian state administration, and the communities are kept safe not by the Indonesian police, but by an informal tribal sort-of-police appointed and led by elders. As a result of this constellation, is the only company with unlimited access to the mountain forests where Tongkat Ali grows, protected by the fact that we are owned by a Batak chief. Others better don't try to encroach on the forests for the purpose of leaving with Tongkat Ali roots or a sack of Tongkat Ali leaves.

Apart from being allowed to get Tongkat Ali trees, also has access to elders who have decades of experience using the plant for medicinal purposes. We thus know about the usage of various parts of the Tongkat Ali plant, for example the leaves, which so far are not used outside tribal and academic settings.

What to expect from Tongkat Ali extracts? Mentally, they make a user feel alert and energetic ... common effects of raised testosterone. Tongkat Ali also stimulates the levator ani muscle, and the muscles of the pelvic floor in general. Thus, one may feel an urge to perform squeezes like those prescribed for Kegel exercises. This in turn may cause  pleasant sensations along the spinal cord. At sufficient dosages, there will be testosterone-driven sexual agitation. At such dosages, there may be an increased desire for yawning, accompanied by erectile ease.

While these effects may be more or less pronounced, depending on the user, we have to point out that despite these effects, one does not feel drugged, or as if one would have "taken something". Tongkat Ali feels natural, and there also won't be  headaches of the sildenafil-type, and no mental fog as it is typical for dopaminergics like apomorphine.

First-day dosage should just be one capsule, to make sure there is no allergic reaction (very unlikely indeed). The dosage on the second day could be three capsules, preferably in the morning. Standard dosages would be 2 to 6 capsules, up to three times a day.

It is easier to increase dosages of root extract because it is generally milder and works more in the background. Dosages of leaves extract should be increased more slowly.

It is also possible to combine the two extracts, taking the leaves extract (which may cause insomnia) in the morning, and the root extract throughout the day.


Abdulelah, Furqan M. ; Abdulbaqi, Mustafa R.; Jaafar, Zahraa M. (2021) Ex-Vivo Anticancer Evaluation of Tongkat Ali Roots Extract Against Lymphocyte Cell Line of Human CML Patient, Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Volume 12(1) Pages 1206-1211

Abouhamraa, Hamza (2013), Effect of Eurycoma longifolia (Tongkat Ali) on the prostate cancer cell line LNCaP, University of the Western Cape, ETD Repository

Alloha, Irani Binti; Aziz, Nurul ‘Ain Liyana Binti; Faisal, Ghasak Ghazi; Abllah, Zurainie; Arzmi, Mohd Hafiz (2019), Effects of Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) Alcoholic Root Extract Against Oral Pathogens, Pharmacognosy Journal, Volume 11,Issue 6,Pages 1299-1302

Ang, H. H.; Ngai, T. H. (2001), Aphrodisiac evaluation in non-copulator male rats after chronic administration of Eurycoma longifolia Jack, Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology, Volume15, Issue4, Pages 265-268

Ang, H. H,; Sim, M. K. (1997), Effects of Eurycoma longifolia Jack on Penile Erection Index and Homosexual Mounting in Rats, Pharmacy and Pharmacology Communications, Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 117-119

Bedir, Erdal; Abou-Gazar, Hassan; Ngwendson, Julius Ngunde; Khan, Ikhlas Ahmad (2003), Eurycomaoside: A New Quassinoid-Type Glycoside from the Roots of Eurycoma longifolia, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, Volume 51, Issue 11, Pages 1301-1303

Bhat, Rajeev; Karim, A.A. (2010), Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia Jack): A review on its ethnobotany and pharmacological importance, Fitoterapia, Volume 81, Issue 7, Pages 669-679

Bin Mohd Tambi M.I.; Imran M.K. (2010), Eurycoma longifolia Jack in managing idiopathic male infertility , Asian Journal of Andrology, Volume 12 Pages 376-380,

Chen Y, Phang WM, Mu AK, Chan CK, Low BS, Sasidharan S, Chan KL. (2015), Decreased expression of alpha-2-HS glycoprotein in the sera of rats treated with Eurycoma longifolia extract Frontiers in Pharmacology, Vol 6 Page 211

Chua, Lee Suan; Lau, Cher Haan; Chew, Chee Yung; Ali, Dawood; Dawood, Salim (2019), Solvent Fractionation and Acetone Precipitation for Crude Saponins from Eurycoma longifolia Extract, Molecules Volume 24 Issue 7 10.3390/molecules24071416

Danial, Monica; Saghal, Geethaa; Mubbarakh, Safiah Ahmad (2013), Antibacterial Studies On In Vivo Plant Parts of Medicinally Important Eurycoma Longifolia (Tongkat Ali), Pakistan Journal of Botany, Volume 45(5), Pages 1693-1700, 2013.

Faisal, Ghasak G; Najmuldeen, Ghazi F; Abllah, Zurainie; Radeef, Ali S (2017), The Cholesterol Lowering Effects of Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) Root Extract in Male Rats. Makara Journal of Health Research (MJHR), Vol 21, No 1

George A.; Henkel R. (2014), Phytoandrogenic properties of Eurycoma longifolia as natural alternative to testosterone replacement therapy, Andrologia, Volume 46, Pages 708-721,

George A, Udani J, Abidin NZ, Yusof A. (2018). Efficacy and safety of Eurycoma longifolia (Physta®) water extract plus multivitamins on quality of life, mood and stress: a randomized placebo-controlled and parallel study. Food Nutrition Resources, Vol 62.

GG, Faisal; SM, Zakaria; GF, Najmuldeen (2015), In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Eurycoma Longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali) Root Extract, International Medical Journal of Malaysia, Volume 14, No. 1

Girish, Sonal; Kumar, Suresh; Aminudin, Norhaniza (2015), Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia): a possible therapeutic candidate against Blastocystis sp., Parasites Vectors, Volume 8, Pages 332

Henkel R.R.; Wang R.; Bassett S.H.; Chen T.; Liu N.; Zhu Y. et al. (2014), Tongkat Ali as a potential herbal supplement for physically active male and female seniors - A pilot study, Pharmacological Research, Volume 28, Pages 544-550,

Hien, Dao Thi Thanh; Long, Tran Phi; Thao, Tran Phuong; Lee, Jeong-Hyung; Trang, Duong Thu; Minh, Nguyen Thi Thu; Cuong, Pham Van; Lan, Dang, Nguyen Hai; Dat, Nguyen Tien (2019), Anti-inflammatory effects of alkaloid enriched extract from roots of Eurycoma longifolia Jack, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, Volume : 9 , Issue : 1 , Pages : 18-23

Khanam, Zakia; Shwu Wen, Chew; Bhat, Irshad Ul Haq (2015), Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of root and stem extracts of wild Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali), Journal of King Saud University - Science, Volume 27, Issue 1, Pages 23-30

Kotirum S.; Ismail S.B.; Chaiyakunapruk N. (2015), Efficacy of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) on erectile function improvement: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Complementary Therapies in Medicine Volume 23, Pages 693-698,

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